Rejuvenate from the inside out – the powerful antioxidants in blue spirulina and blueberries may repair damaged cells, promote healing, improve brain and heart health, and so much more. A fresh flavour pets are sure to love.
This is a must try NEW supplement that is great for both dogs and cats. This is NOT the same as goat milk you may find on your local grocery store shelves.
Raw Whole Goat Milk, Blueberry, Blue Spirulina, Kefir Mirco-Organisms, Bacteria Cultures.
Feeding Guide: Suggested Daily Serving Start small so you don’t overwhelm the system with all this new goodness. You can increase this dosage to 2-3 times the suggested daily serving. Serving and Storage Suggestions: For pet use only. Not for human consumption. This product has not been pasteurized.
- 975 ml