Sanchi Organic Tamari 150ml

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"Tamari is one of the oldest Japanese seasonings; the word "Tamari" literally means 'to accumulate, referring to the liquid collected from fully aged soya bean miso. Sanchi Tamari is still crafted in the traditional manner. As a savoury seasoning instead of salt, ideally added one minute before the end of cooking. Excellent for seasoning soups, stocks, broths, marinades, salad dressings, sauces, pickles, stir-fries, any kind of vegetable, vegetarian or fish dish. Also ideal as a condiment to add to meals. The most important difference is that Tamari is a GLUTEN-FREE soy sauce. This means that it is suitable for coeliacs and those with a wheat intolerance. It has a slightly richer taste than the Shoyu Soy Sauce"